Archive for February, 2022

Hands to The Plow

The stress of ministry has been amplified tremendously since March 2020. For the past two years I have tried to “figure” this pandemic out. But no matter what I do or even which “experts” I listen to, there is no “figuring” out this virus. The stress in all this is that as a pastor, you feel “obligated” to have all the answers because after all “you [a pastor] have the inside scoop from God on all this.” I wish that was true, but there are many mysteries in the Bible that God has chosen to leave as mysteries.

Here is what we are experiencing as we head into the third year of this pandemic. Everything that we as a church were going through or transitioning towards has been accelerated by about ten years. We are getting a glimpse of what the church in 2032 will look like if we do not adapt and make some changes to how we ministry to our community. If we remain inwardly focused (keeping everyone that is already member comfortable and happy), then in ten years we will see no new growth, no new births via salvation in Jesus, and our attempts to maintain / preserve what we are doing will lead to death. I know this is not a pretty picture to paint, but it is a true picture that must be looked at and acted on.

Therefore, I am 100% convinced we are in a replant / revitalization season for our church. This has been my focus in my daily devotions, it has been the petition in my prayers, and it has consumed my reading for the past six months. I am seeking the help, advice, and counsel of men who have done this ministry [church replanting / revitalization] a lot longer than me. I am thankful that the North American Mission Board has a team dedicated to helping churches that are in this arena. I have reached out to them to come and help me understand this task ahead of me, so that I can lead the church better. Since God has not called the His church home, then our calling to make disciples of all people is still our mandate.

This will not be an easy task. It will not be a task that will be completed in a few months. This replant / revitalization will take three to five years to produce the needed change within us so that we will harvest the fruits from the seeds being sown now. I want to encourage you to join me on this marathon journey, grab your plow, cultivate the soil, sow the seeds of the gospel, water the seed, continually monitor the field, and wait for God to bring the increase. It is hard, messy, and tiresome work…but the blessings that come from God will be well worth our labor. Come, join me and let us glorify God as we replant, revitalize, and reclaim Atlantic Beach for God.